3 Olympians that inspire us to embrace the shift to cloud video surveillance

In the world of sports, athletes often face immense challenges and setbacks. Yet, many make triumphant comebacks, reinventing themselves and embracing new opportunities. This narrative mirrors the journey companies take in transitioning from legacy video surveillance systems to modern, cloud-based solutions, reinventing their security operations along the way. 

The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris offer plenty of examples of world-class athletes who have overcome myriad obstacles on the road to realizing their Olympic dreams. The stories of US Olympians like Chase Budinger, Jimmer Fredette, and Sha’Carri Richardson serve as powerful metaphors for transformation, much like businesses seeking to modernize their physical security infrastructure.

Champions of Change

Chase Budinger: Pivoting from the NBA to Beach Volleyball

Chase Budinger, a former NBA player, transitioned to professional beach volleyball after his basketball career. His journey required adapting to a new sport while leveraging his existing skills. 

Similarly, the transition from on-premise video surveillance to cloud-based solutions isn’t a quick shift — it’s a strategic evolution. Just as Budinger leaned into his strengths as a basketball player to excel in beach volleyball, businesses can adapt with a hybrid approach that bridges the best of on-prem and advanced cloud capabilities.

Learn from Budinger by taking the best of on-prem and cloud with a hybrid approach:

  • Transfer of strengths: Just like Budinger found skills that transferred from basketball to beach volleyball giving him a competitive edge, it’s important to consider where on-prem and cloud applications make sense in your business. Assess your various environments — some locations may benefit more from cloud solutions, while others might still need on-prem components. 
  • Integrating existing and new: Ensure that the existing on-premise system can seamlessly integrate with the new cloud-based solution. This involves checking for compatibility between hardware, software, and network protocols to ensure smooth data flow and functionality.
  • Data security and compliance: Implement encryption, access controls, and compliance with relevant industry standards and regulations to safeguard sensitive video data across both on-premise and cloud environments.  
  • Cost and scalability: Evaluate the cost implications of maintaining both on-premise and cloud systems, consider potential savings from reduced physical infrastructure, and the flexibility to scale based on business needs.

Jimmer Fredette: Reinventing his game from 5X5 to 3X3

Jimmer Fredette, known for his scoring prowess in the NBA, found renewed success in the relatively new sport of 3×3 international basketball. His adaptability and willingness to embrace a new environment are akin to businesses modernizing their video surveillance systems. 

Companies can learn from Fredette’s resilience and strategic moves:

  • Adaptability to a new environment: Just as Fredette learned to adapt to a new environment, embracing new cloud technologies may require solving the same security challenges in new and innovative ways. A cloud-based solution may offer surprising new capabilities that meet your evolving needs.
  • Lean into the differences: You may find you gain functionality with cloud solutions including more access to data, centralized oversight, and overall ease of administering and using the solution. Lean into this new and different functionality.

Sha’Carri Richardson: Overcoming Setbacks and Racing Ahead

American track and field athlete, Sha’Carri Richardson’s journey to the Olympics has been marked by both setbacks and remarkable comebacks. Despite being disqualified from the Tokyo Olympics, Richardson doubled down on her journey and in so doing brought the gold home for the United States in Paris. 

Similar to Richardson’s journey, the transition to cloud-based physical security solution is likely to be met with some hurdles. It’s how you respond, adapt, and push forward that determines your success. Approach any setbacks you may experience with resilience by: 

  • Modernize without compromise: Ensure core security requirements are met while adopting new technologies.
  • Continually improve: Just as Richardson uses data to refine her training, businesses can utilize analytics to continuously improve their security measures.
  • Embracing challenges head-on: Embracing cloud solutions involves overcoming challenges and ensuring that the transition is smooth and beneficial in the long run.

The journeys of Chase Budinger, Jimmer Fredette, and Sha’Carri Richardson highlight the importance of evolving your skill set, adapting to a new environment, and embracing challenges head on. 

For companies transitioning from legacy video surveillance systems to cloud-based solutions like Arcules, these same principles apply. These three champions of change inspire us by demonstrating that the path to improvement is marked by adaptability, resilience and grit. 

Learn how you can level up your video surveillance game with Arcules in our latest IT Guide to Modern Physical Security