What is Cloud-Based Video Surveillance?

This article discusses the unique capabilities and benefits of cloud-based video surveillance, how it works, and why the device-agnostic, cloud-based Arcules Video Surveillance as a Service (VSaaS) platform is the best choice for business and property owners seeking to transition from traditional to cloud-based surveillance systems. What is Cloud Based Video Surveillance? Cloud-based video surveillance…

Summer Product Release Highlights

Summer is here and that means the next wave of Arcules product updates are here as well! So what type of features did we roll out for our cloud-based customers this quarter? Let’s put down that beach novel and have a look! So, what’s new for this summer? Device Analytics for Axis Dark Mode Web…

Deploying Video Surveillance Like a Tour de France Champion

A stage by stage video surveillance checklist The Tour de France, the world’s most prestigious and challenging cycling competition, tests physical prowess, strategy, and resilience. Each stage of the Tour de France presents unique challenges, from mountainous climbs to flat sprints and time trials. Cyclists must adapt their tactics to the demands of each stage…

AI Security Cameras: Worth Every Penny

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming everything it touches, including the security industry and surveillance equipment. While more expensive than analog cameras, AI-enhanced security cameras offer greater peace of mind and reduce security costs over the long term by automating and streamlining security operations in ways that traditional cameras cannot. This article discusses the unique capabilities…