Arcules Setup:

Camera to Cloud Demo Kit

Congratulations on receiving your new camera to cloud kit! We’ve designed this to be super simple, and with the help of our friends at Wesco, they’ve even installed the memory card and the Camera to Cloud software to make things even easier!

You just need to connect your camera to the network and add it to your Arcules Cloud VSaaS.

Here’s what we’ll need to do:

get connected

You will connect your Camera to an ethernet cable on your network, power up, and you may hear some noises and see blinky lights
-that’s a good thing!

register or login

You need to locate your arcules registration email & click the registration link to begin. If you have already registered, you’ll need to log into your Arcules account at

( for cool EMEA folks)

( for awesome APAC)

create a location & add a camera

As a first time user, you’ll first need to create a “New Location.” Existing users will jump to the Device selection in the left menu and “Add Camera” then “Add Cloud”


no, seriously. This is easy. We can do it!